Day 1 – Saturday, 5 December
Paris: UTC/GMT +1Science meets Theatre: Soil, Society and Soul
Room: Mezzanine Bleu in the Amphitheater Hall (Neuilly side)Discussion Forums
Short break
Coffee break & finger food
Discussion Forums
Short break
Discussion Forums
Speed Networking: Scaling up landscape approaches
Room: Blue Hall Paris sideBreak & finger food
Pecha Kucha Style Night: Stories from the landscape
Room: Amphitheater BleuDay 2 – Sunday, 6 December
Paris: UTC/GMT +1Discussion Forums
Side event: From farmers’ fields to landscapes: Food security in a new climate regime?
Coffee break
Thematic High-level sessions
Lunchtime Learning Events
Youth Session: Dragon’s Den
Room: Salle MaillotCoffee break
Discussion Forums
Short break
Closing Plenary: The way forward
Room: Amphitheater BleuCocktail
Day 1 – Saturday, 5 December
Paris: UTC/GMT +1 - Room: 251The Nakau Programme - Western Pacific Islands Regional Payments for Ecosystem Services Programme
Regional Pacific NGO Live & Learn will announce the commercial launch of a rainforest protection initiative designed to lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation that pays rural landowners to care for their forests. Speakers include indigenous participants and the representative of a Swedish business that helps companies offset their emissions through the initiative.
The Nakau Programme is a socially responsible approach to REDD+ and is the first of its kind to emerge from highly vulnerable Small Island Developing States. It takes an ethical, community-based approach and has a combined focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The why and how of integrated landscape management in achieving sustainable development
A consortium of environmental organisations will release The Little Sustainable Landscapes Book, which explores how integrated landscape management can be an effective means of achieving sustainable development. The book brings together evidence from 25 case studies, dozens of examples, surveys of hundreds of integrated landscape initiative leaders, and expertise from some of the world’s leading conservation and sustainable land-use groups. Key findings from the book will be presented and discussed by a panel that includes the organizations part of the consortium, and representatives of the business sector and civil society.
The Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS) – monitoring greenhouse gas emissions from land-based sectors, realizing REDD+
Indonesia has set itself an ambitious target: lowering its greenhouse gas emissions by 41% by 2020. Now it has the powerful tool needed to keep track of its progress.
Environment ministers from Indonesia and Australia will launch a new system for tracking efforts to protect and restore forests and peatlands in Indonesia. Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya, Indonesian Minister for Environment and Forestry, and The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Australian Minister for the Environment, will speak, among others.
Asia-Pacific Rainforest Recovery Plan: Australia’s approach to this regional initiative including the launch of the Private Sector Roundtable and announcement of the host of the 2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit.
Australia’s Minister for the Environment will launch a Private Sector Roundtable to facilitate ongoing private sector involvement in the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Recovery Plan, a forest protection effort in the Asia-Pacific region.
The launch will also include details of the second Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit, to be held in 2016.
New restoration commitments under Initiative 20×20
At last year’s Global Landscapes Forum, ministers from across Latin America launched Initiative 20×20, a historic commitment to initiate the restoration of 20 million hectares of degraded land by 2020.
This year, ministers from four countries will make new commitments and an announcement of a new private-sector financing mechanism managed by the Inter-American Development Bank will be made.
Day 2 – Sunday, 6 December
Paris: UTC/GMT +1 - Room: 251Launch of two major African landscape initiatives:
AFR100: Restoring 100 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes in Africa by 2030 and Africa Resilient Landscape Initiative
African ministers will share their experiences and results from implementing landscape-level initiatives in their countries. An international perspective on resilient landscapes will be given by WRI and the World Bank.
This assessment will be followed by an announcement of commitments by African leaders in terms of the numbers of hectares covered and households supported by the Resilient Landscape Initiative.
Leaders from African countries will also announce a major new initiative to restore forests and agricultural lands. The AFR100 is a pan-African, country-led restoration effort to bring 100 million hectares of degraded landscapes in Africa under restoration by 2030.
The launch event will feature a number of African government ministers as well as prominent representatives from development banks, bilateral donors and impact investors, who will announce financial support for investments in restoration activities in African landscapes.
Water: Shared – 125 cities and regions act for clean water from forests in Latin America
Local authorities from Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia will announce the launch of an initiative by more than 125 municipal and regional governments across the Andes to protect their upstream water sources by conserving their forests.
Funded by a dozen public and private sources, including the European Union, Swiss Re, DFID and more than a million water users, this is a one-of-a-kind cross-border effort that will protect both water and forest ecosystems.
The South Sumatra Eco-Region Alliance: A partnership for change
A public–private partnership in Indonesia will announce a major effort to protect the country’s peatlands—under threat from commercial agriculture, including activities behind this year’s forest fires—from destruction. Participants include climate officials from Indonesia’s national government, the Governor of South Sumatra, and the representative of a paper company operating in Indonesia.
You are the Restoration Leaders
National and subnational ministers, corporate leaders and officials will announce commitments to the Bonn Challenge, representing a major leap towards achieving the goal of having 150 million hectares under restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030. These officials will also highlight the progress already being made and tools that have been developed to support this implementation.
Realizing Zero Deforestation
After a wave of commitments and pledges to remove deforestation from company supply chains, how successful have businesses been in implementing these goals? CDP will launch a new report, “Realizing zero-deforestation: Transforming supply chains for the future”, which presents important new findings on how over 170 of the world’s largest companies, including Asia Pulp & Paper, Cargill and Unilever, are faring on tackling deforestation.
Natural Infrastructure – A Guide for Business
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) will launch a new platform that makes the business case for investing in natural, or green, infrastructure and provides case studies and tools for business. Speakers include Neil Hawkins, Corporate Vice President & Chief Sustainability Officer at Dow; and Brandy Wilson, Global Director Sustainability at CH2M.
Regional declaration to promote Climate Smart Agriculture in Latin America
Eight ministers of agriculture from across Central America and the Caribbean will announce an unprecedented joint effort to pool resources against the threat of climate change.
Costa Rica’s Agriculture Minister Arauz will bring together his regional counterparts and partners from research to set out the next steps.
Global Forest Watch
The Global Forest Watch(GFW) platform unites near real-time forest monitoring technology, open data, and human networks to better manage forest landscapes.GFW Climate widens access to data around emissions from tropical deforestation.
Station leader

Research Manager

The Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS)
The INCAS is a national level GHG accounting system for the land based sectors in Indonesia. The INCAS framework and first national level results of emissions and removals from forests and peatlands will be presented at this laboratory.

Demonstrating the power of new tools for measuring tropical forest change and carbon stocks (FOREST, terrestrial LIDAR and Unmanned Aerial Systems)
The station will showcase the service components of FOREST (Fully Optimised and Reliable EmissionS Tool): texture-based biomass maps, spatially explicit land use change maps, degradation maps and carbon modelling. Hands-on experience will be guaranteed with a terrestrial laser scanner and an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS).

LAMP for REDD+ and Sustainable Landscapes
Lidar-Assisted Multisource Programme supports the REDD+ strategy, forest reference emission levels and MRV processes. LAMP relies on optimal combination of advanced analysis methods, tools, spatial and socio-economic datasets.
Station leader

Manager of REDD+ and Sustainable Forestry

CCAL – Carbon Calculator for Jurisdictional REDD+
CCAL is a web-based carbon calculator to support public managers from the Pan-Amazon in the development of REDD+ strategies. It offers carbon monitoring, estimates of stock gains and losses, emissions released and avoided, and baseline calculations.
Station leader


Mobile Solutions to Land and Resource Rights
Clear, secure land and resource rights are critical for sustainable development and addressing climate change. USAID will show how open source mobile technologies can be used to effectively document and strengthen these rights.

Mapping the Climate Regime
Worried and confused by the complexity of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change? Can’t keep track of who’s who, and what’s what? Don’t worry! is the tool you’ve been waiting for.
Station leader


The Selva Maya Landscape Zoning and Monitoring Toolkit
The Selva Maya Landscape Zoning and Monitoring Toolkit consists of three innovate tools.
- The Sustainable Production Zoning Map
- The Maya Forest Watch
- The Community-Based Monitoring Initiative

The Nature Services Exchange
The Nature Services Exchange connects land stewards in Peru with national and international clients looking to sustain healthy ecosystems and balance their ecological footprint.
Station leader

Operations Manager, Nature Services Peru

CCAFS –MOT – 10 minutes to learn about climate change mitigation in agriculture
We present a fast advice tool on practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. We are eager to trigger discussion around the implementation of these practices in different world regions and production systems.
Station leader

FAO OpenFORIS: Free, Open-source Solutions for Environmental Monitoring
The Open Foris Initiative develops and supports innovative, easy-to-use tools needed to collect, analyze and disseminate reliable and timely information on natural resources and their changes.
Station leader

Senior Forestry Officer, FAO

Open Earth by the Earth Journalism Network
Open Earth provides a global interface that combines geo-located media reports with open-source environmental data. This will allow making direct connections between global environmental topics and localized manifestations of these conditions.