Day 1 – Saturday, 5 December    17.15 - 18.45    Room: 252A

REDD+ Forest Reference Emission Levels: Progress and challenges in developing countries

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Hosts:  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

REDD+ was included in the Cancun Agreements as one of the avenues for developing countries to demonstrate their mitigation efforts, and for them to be supported in a sector that was considered to be responsible for 17.4 % of global emissions (IPCC 4th annual report).

Following UNFCCC COP20 in Lima, parties now have a comprehensive set of decisions to guide them in the planning and implementation of REDD+ activities, including how to access results-based payment. Accordingly, countries are invited to submit Forest Reference Emission Levels (FREL)/Forest Reference Levels (FRL) to assess the performance their REDD+ activities and obtain results-based payments.

At #GLFCOP21 w/ @FAOForestry: 6 countries discuss progress on monitoring #REDD+ projects

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The Discussion Forum will provide an opportunity for 5-6 countries to present the status of their draft FREL/FRL submission to the UNFCCC and allow panellists and the audience to discuss and understand common challenges in the FREL/FRL set up.

Notably, panellists will be asked about issues related to their approaches, such as adjustments, scope and scale, technical complexities and future improvements. The forum will also invite a representative of a country that has already submitted its FRLs to discuss lessons learned from the technical assessment process.

After an introduction of the theme by the moderator, the speakers will have five minutes to lay out their views and experiences in their countries so far – following guiding questions that will be provided in advance. Panelists will answer questions from the audience. The session will conclude with a summary given by the moderator, based on how the discussion addressed the key questions.

Key questions addressed

  1. What are the key challenges related to data needs for the construction of the FREL/FRL construction and how do they constrain the scope and approach?
  2. What approaches may allow countries to provide historical estimates for emissions related to forest degradation?
  3. What are the key considerations for countries when selecting the scale and scope of their FREL/FRL? What are the linkages with a country’s Climate Change Strategy, Low Carbon Strategy, National REDD+ Strategy or REDD+ Action Plan?

Background reading

Emerging approaches to Forest Reference Emission Levels and/or Forest Reference Levels for REDD+

Technical considerations for Forest Reference Emission Level and/or Forest Reference Level construction for REDD+ under the UNFCCC