Day 1 | Dec 6   17.30 - 19.00

Improving livelihoods in the Andean Region: Scaling up innovations to integrate agriculture, forestry and other land uses in a changing climate

Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)


The conservation, appropriation and equitable use of ecosystem goods and services – hydrologic and carbon resources in particular – are moving up higher on international and national agendas.  Nevertheless, the supply of these goods and services often does not meet the demand for them.

The discussion focused on how to move forward to tackle adaptation and mitigation of climate change for poverty alleviation at the landscape level.

Concrete solutions to the significant GHG emissions from land use change and agriculture are needed. Experiences were shared from REDD+ combined with agricultural best practices, and from Carbon Forestry Grouped Projects based on agroforestry systems, as well as from sustainable energy solutions (renewable energy and energy efficiency) for rural areas.

Adaptation to climate change was addressed from the perspective of farmers, and communities, including vulnerable social groups who can generate innovative solutions based on their traditional knowledge. This can be combined with integrated management systems for crops, water, forests and alternative energy sources to help cope with climate change.

In particular the session aimed to address the need to

a)    strengthen governance, capitalizing on different stakeholders’ interest and on mechanisms such as decentralization processes;

b)   build bridges and foster communication between the academic sector, local knowledge and policy decision making around forests, agriculture, water, and renewable energy;

c)    strengthen public-private financial mechanisms and alliances focusing on investments that benefit all stakeholders.

The analysis of several innovations tested as pilots provides evidence that “thinking globally, acting locally” requires an additional step: scaling it up and seizing the mechanisms, guidelines and results generated at the sub-national, national and other levels.

Key questions addressed:

  1. What are the key lessons learned from innovations integrating, multiple dimensions and sectors (i.e forests, agriculture, water and sustainable energy) related to climate change adaptation and mitigation for the improvement of rural livelihoods?
  2. What are the main institutional, regulatory and technical challenges for scaling up?
  3. What are the main lessons learned from intersectorial approaches across forestry, agriculture, water and energy that pertain to the post 2015 climate agenda?

Background reading:

Reciprocal watershed agreements: alternative to traditional payments for environmental services in Latin America

Sustainable Forest Management Programme

Energy and Environment Partnership Programme

Maximizing the profitability of forestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism using a forest management optimization model. Gutiérrez, V., Zpapata, M. Sierra, C., Laguado, W.,Santacruz, A. Forest Ecology and Management. 226. 1-3. (2006). DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2006.02.002