“Produce and Protect”, a global online platform to deliver on sustainability commitments

“Produce and Protect” is a new global online, interactive platform created by the San Francisco-based Earth Innovation Institute.

It aims to connect jurisdictions – provincial, regional or other sub-national territories – where commodities are produced sustainably with companies looking to buy those products.

The first information source or brokerage platform of its kind, it will create an incentive for jurisdictions that are dedicated to sustainable development, while offering easier access for companies that have pledged that their products or sourcing will be environmentally and socially responsible.

The platform will meet a discernible need in the global marketplace. Global corporates such as Unilever, IKEA and Marks & Spencer have committed themselves to preferential sourcing. With consumer demand for products produced sustainably growing, others are bound to follow. At the same time, regional governments that have made the right choices for the environment will be given somewhere to advertise the fact. The exchange will provide them with a place to register their pledges and sustainability data for all interested parties to see.

Subnational jurisdictions often cover very large, sensitive land areas, so the benefits for the locality and for the planet as a whole in reducing deforestation via sustainable production and sourcing would be substantial, as well as helpful to national progress towards NDCs and the SDGs.

Building alliances, partnerships and consensus are fundamental to how Earth Innovation Institute works. Please join us to hear more in depth about the conception of the Produce and Protect platform and how it will function.

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