Helmut Eger is a GIZ expert and coordinates the Cooperation with the Amazon Fund/BNDES and the Brazilian Ministry for Environment in the Consolidation of the Brazilian system of conservation units (SNUC) – LifeWeb. He has worked in Development Cooperation with a focus on natural resources management, rural development and climate change in Africa, Asia and South America for the past 35 years. He serves on various boards, e.g. he was the Director and President of the board at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) board for six years. He is/was guest lecturer and visiting professor at various Universities in Europe, Latin America and Arabia. He has a PhD in Geoscience form Tübingen University with studies in Holland, US and UK, with focus in land resources management and environmental economics.
Helmut Eger
GIZ Coordinator Amazon Fund/BNDES