Glarinda Andre has been the Live & Learn Coordinator of the Nakau Programme REDD+, a Payment for Ecosystem Services, project in Vanuatu for the past 5 years. The rainforest project is meant to generate carbon offsets in a remote community in Vanuatu. She has broad experience in delivering climate change and REDD+ education and awareness activities, in providing governance and business training and assisting indigenous ni-Vanuatu landowners e.g. in kick starting a community business for trading in carbon offsets. Ms. Andre has also coordinated the Widening Informed Stakeholder Engagement on REDD+ project in Vanuatu, which aimed to strengthen the knowledge of government stakeholders and CSOs of REDD+. She has taken an active role in the Vanuatu National REDD+ Steering Committee and was part of the PC14 meeting on REDD+ in Washington DC.
Glarinda Andre
Coordinator, Live&Learn project, Nakau Programme REDD+