Bernardo B.N. Strassburg is the founder and Executive Director of the International Institute for Sustainability in Rio de Janeiro, and Assistant Professor at the Pontific Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He coordinates the Economics Working Group of the Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Rainforest. He is dedicated to the transition to sustainability, with a focus on the sustainable use of land and its resources as well as on reconciling production needs with environmental services and social development by developing interdisciplinary research. Mr. Strassburg also advises governments, NGO’s and private companies on sustainability issues. He has led a number of projects in the interface of REDD, biodiversity, improved land use, ecological restoration and financial incentives and published several scientific articles and reports on these topics. He is an economist with a M.Sc. in Environmental and a PhD in Environmental Sciences, focused on issues related to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).
Bernardo B.N. Strassburg
Founder and Executive Director, International Institute for Sustainability, Rio de Janeiro