Antoinette Macumi is Advisor to the Minister of Water, Environment, Land and Urban Planning of Burundi. A geologist by training, she has occupied multiple environmental posts such as General Director for the Department of Forests and Environment within the Ministry of Water, Environment, Land and Urban Planning. During this period she coordinated the development of several key environmental documents, in particular the Second Communication on Climate Change (SCCC), the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change in Burundi, and a revision of the Forest Code. At the same time, she served as Secretary of the National Commission for the Environment (CNE) and National Director for a Global Environment Facility-financed project, “Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management.” This project has helped in the drafting of a document on best practices for Sustainable Land Management in Burundi, funded by TerrAfrica.
Antoinette Macumi
Adviser to the Minister of Water, Environment, Land and Urban Planning, Burundi