Tony Simons is the Director General of the World Agroforestry Centre. He has worked for 27 years on issues at the tropical agriculture/forestry interface in more than 40 developing countries. This has spanned the private sector (Shell Forestry), academia (University of Oxford), official development assistance (ODA/DFID) and research (CGIAR). Mr. Simons is a Board member of Africa Centre Technology Studies, Plant Resources of Tropical Africa, DANONE Livelihood Fund and DCM International Imaging. He is also the Leader of IUFRO Forest and Water Task Force and has published over 100 research papers. He holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Science degree from Massey University, New Zealand as well as Masters and Doctoral degrees from University of Cambridge, UK. In 2009, he was made an Honorary Professor in Tropical Forestry at the University of Copenhagen.
Tony Simons
Director General, World Agroforestry Centre