Tasso Azevedo coordinates the SEEG Network, a system to estimate GHG emissions, as well as MapBiomas, a platform to produce annual maps for land cover and land use of entire countries through a multi-institutional collaboration. He is a consultant and social entrepreneur in the field of forests, sustainability and climate change. Previous positions held include Director of the National Forest Program at the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and General-Secretary of the National Forest Commission. He was the first Chief and Director General of the Brazilian Forest Service. Mr. Azevedo is a forestry engineer graduate at ESALQ/USP and was founder and director of the Institute of Forest and Agriculture Management and Certification (IMAFLORA), the largest FSC and SAN certifier in Brazil. He serves as board member for the Business Forum on Climate Change, Rainforest Alliance, Imazon, Imaflora and the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA), among others, and teaches post-graduate students on sustainability related issues.
Tasso Azevedo
General Coordinator, MapBiomas Initiative