Claudia Arias Cuadros is the Corantioquia Board Representive of the Colombian Envionment Ministry. Previously, she worked for 7 years in Colombia’s National Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, and for 22 years in the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development. For the last 12 years Ms. Arias has served as the Ministry’s delegate to the Boards of Directors of several Autonomous Environmental Corporations (currently CORANTIOQUIA, CORNARE, CORPOURABA, CAM and CORPONOR), entities responsible for implementing national environmental policies and regulations within each regional jurisdiction. The role of Ms. Arias on these boards is to direct and coordinate, on behalf of the Ministry, the planning and implementation of environmental activities of the Corporations as the integral entities of the National Environmental System. Claudia Arias specializes in Administrative Law and has a Master’s degree in Development and Environmental Sanitation.
Claudia Arias Cuadros
Representive, Colombian Envionment Ministry, Corantioquia Board