One day, my perception of “nature” set into a long change that has continued for years; first it strove to feed my curiosity, then evolved into admiration, before it hardened into a sense of responsibility.
At school, a teacher came to our classroom and asked “who is interested in joining the “nature club/ Climate change learning centre?”. I was in the eighth standard. I registered my name just out of curiosity- actually also seeking an escape from the school monotony. Recalling our activities there, I am convinced that it could be better named “Nature conservation club”. But every time I thought about the dangerous things that could happen if we do not act responsibly, a sense of grave childish panic dawned upon me.
Our teachers called us every Friday; we discussed, visited different places, often rallied around the community; and I changed a lot of my wasteful habits. It was the most satisfying thing I did at school. Growing up, my explorations have grown wider and diverse. I have come to realize just how fragile the natural system is, and just how beautiful! At the school club, I was a little warrior; eager to save the planet on my own.
From my countless experiences since then, I have seen nature through different eyes. While my admiration of nature is not limited at landscape, it is certainly the most visible face of nature. One remarkable way to think about the landscape of a place is to imagine how much geological activity was required to create it and for how long! While the disappearance of the Tethys Sea is amazing in itself, the formation of Himalayas by the collision of two continents is a matter of great awe.
Nepal is blessed, among other things, by the remarkable geological variation. Here, if you walk 50 kms across the country, you can experience all; the alpine, the temperate and the tropical climates. The sheer importance of landscape is seen by how much it affects the life above it. Apart from the ecology and climate, the daily routine and rituals of the community are affected by its landscape.
In our largely hilly country, life revolves around the hills, and they find their place in people’s songs, celebrations and sorrows. While landscape restoration is not an issue of equal alarm for Nepal as it is for other developed countries, creating landscape friendly infrastructures will be a challenge in the upcoming years.
As “Rome was not built in a day” I started contributing from my side with a hope of creating better environment. I have not let any chance to fade away when I see any opportunity for contributing in landscape sector and the best and effective way i thought of was educating future generation about this issue. The school project that I have begun focuses on environmental issues.
The GLF experience will be a valuable learning opportunity for me. Apart from the experience, I wish to work with diverse groups of people, enhance my knowledge, get exposure on an international platform. I expect to get connected with young minds from all around the globe working for the same cause. I wish to broaden my perception on different folds and crooks of landscapes and ways to mitigate its problem. I take this as an opportunity for me to work under a close guidance and supervision of a mentor.
Being an agriculture student, climate activist, and traveller, the specific area of landscape I am interested is in climate change and landscape restoration.
If you like to know more about me and my work please visit my blog:- www.sanjaykafle.com or follow me on Twitter:- sanjaykafle8
Sanjay Kafle is one of the 10 young champions who will work on the “ Measuring success ” Landscape challenge with Youth program’s partner: UNEP-DHI.
Learn more about the Global Landscapes Forum’s Youth program, meet our 50 youth champions and discover the 5 Landscapes challenges they will take up, in December, in Paris.