Powered by passion for change: Youth building a zero carbon Africa


By Zaid Shopeju

Zaid Shopeju will be sharing his success story at Youth: The future of sustainable landscapes to be held at the Global Landscapes Forum at 9am CET November 16, 2013.

If you can’t make it to Warsaw, watch the event online at archive.globallandscapesforum.org/live-stream.

I grew up in Surulere, Nigeria one of the densely populated suburb of Lagos State; a state with current population of over 22 million inhabitants. Despite the population density, almost all the elementary and high schools have green areas where students can relax, play games and enjoy the variety of fruits in the garden.

My family moved away from Surulere in 2003, but when I went back some years ago to visit some of my childhood friends, I discovered that all the green areas and community gardens had disappeared as a result of unplanned urbanisation by government town planners.

This single incident led to my journey for environmental justice; as I realised that most people didn’t know the importance of greening and sustainable development.  A lot of young people I know feel powerless about the issue of climate change. I have interviewed university students who staunchly believe that climate change is the act of God, hence nothing can be done to avert the impending danger.

But so much can be done and is already being been done by ordinary youth doing extraordinary things. So, I set out to educate and create awareness about climate change effect on our daily lives and shared future.

In 2009, I founded organisation called the Youth Vision Alliance Network (YVAN), which has become one of the leading youth-led organisations in Nigeria working on climate justice and raising awareness among young people. My work with this organisation and Zero Carbon Africa, as well as my involvement at the UN Climate change conferences has shown me just how many amazing young people are out there who have successfully organised and campaigned to change the status quo and increase awareness of climate change.

In my speech at Youth: The future of sustainable landscapes, I’ll focus on how young people can organise and create a true social movement that will change the world order and address the climate crises. My work in the climate policy arena has shown me that it truly is possible for young people to “be the change” and work for the benefit of others through simple community action.

The world is in dire need of young voices. This is the time for young people to organise, collaborate and engage in joint action to bridge the gap between grassroots actions and policy advocacy for a shared vision of sustainable and peaceful world.

As Lord Kitchener’s war poster famously says “your country needs you”. At this stage in human history, the world needs us – the passionate, innovative and inspired young people.

Zaid Shopeju will be sharing his success story at Youth: The future of sustainable landscapes to be held at the Global Landscapes Forum at 9am CET November 16, 2013.

If you can’t make it to Warsaw, watch the event online at archive.globallandscapesforum.org/live-stream.