GLF Policy Recommendation 3: SBSTA and the Green Climate Fund have to recognize the role of agriculture in climate change

Agriculture can be used for both adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. The sector accounts for 29% of GDP in developing countries and provides jobs for 65% of their populations. At the same time, agriculture accounts for 14–24% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is the main driver of deforestation.

Sustainable landscape management could increase food production, strengthen farmers’ resilience to climate change and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. To ensure that agriculture contributes to adaptation and mitigation efforts without undermining food production and the fight against poverty, negotiators should:

  • Continue to consider agriculture as part of the SBSTA process.
  • Provide an integrated way of approaching mitigation through the Green Climate Fund and other mechanisms that favor actions that generate adaptation co-benefits.
  • Ensure that the Green Climate Fund supports smallholder farmers.

What do you think: Is agriculture currently adequately addressed in the UNFCCC? Or should it move from SBSTA to higher political levels? Which UNFCCC mechanisms are best placed to support farmers and how should this be implemented?