Day 1 | Dec 6   08.45 - 10.15

REDD+ as a means to achieve green development in Peru’s Madre de Dios region

Regional Government of Madre de Dios, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Peru Country Office


Madre de Dios is a region of high environmental, biological and cultural importance to Peru, considered to be the country’s biodiversity pride. It is the home of thousands of indigenous and local communities, as well as of indigenous groups in voluntary isolation. But the pressure on its forests is growing due to powerful drivers of deforestation such as gold mining.

There is an urgent need to find a way to reconcile development and the preservation of the natural capital of this wonderful region. The Government of Madre de Dios has chosen to incorporate REDD+ as a means to achieve this green development. Participatory REDD+ implementation has helped to strengthen the regional government, to improve environmental governance, and to motivate the government to review and ensure coherence of their land planning, climate change strategy and development plans. The session showcased the process and lessons learned, as a model for the Peruvian Amazon and beyond.

The REDD+ process in Madre de Dios has been long, but participatory and inspiring because it has helped to improve environmental governance, institutional arrangements and stakeholder’s participation under the leadership of the regional government with a strong involvement of indigenous leaders.

Key questions addressed:

  1. How has the REDD+ process has helped improve stakeholder’s coordination in Madre de Dios?
  2. What are the results achieved during this process and the lessons learned?
  3. What are the next steps that need to be taken in order to achieve Madre de Dios long term green development vision?


Background reading:

COMPLETING THE PUZZLE: “Putting the pieces together for a REDD+ proposal in Madre de Dios” For a green economy based on natural resources

Madre de Dios’ Sustainable Development Goals and Achievements

Mapping Madre de Dios: The participative development of a baseline forest carbon map in the Peruvian Amazon

Conociendo las reservas de carbono de los bosques de Madre de Dios

Manual de Monitoreo de Carbono