A game of trees and goals: Discuss your ideas on forests and SDGs

This article posts during GLF 2014. See in English | Espanol

Since the late morning of Saturday 19th of July there is no doubt that forests are an integral part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals designed by the United Nations Open Working Group. An innovative game now provides a platform to discuss how exactly forests can contribute to sustainable development – and what it is that individuals, governments and companies should do to support them.

Forests and sustainable forest management are specifically mentioned in goal No. 15 of the list that the international group discussed for more than a year. Additionally, forests play a crucial role in achieving a number of other goals such as sustainable water management, access to food and energy and combating climate change.

To stimulate a global exchange around the relationship between forests and sustainable development, the London-based International Institute for Environment and Development came up with an online game that lets you share your opinion and reflect on statements posted by others.

Click here to join the game now

How to take part

 This is an interactive forum in which participation is anonymous and no personal information will be shared.

  • Write statements by pressing ‘SPEAK’
  • Read other people’s statements by pressing ‘LISTEN’

All the statements  will be randomly sent to other participants. Every now and then, the game will ask for your opinion on the main question of the forum. This information is helpful for IIED to later analyze the discussion. Click ‘help’ at any point during the game for a video and some slides about how to participate.

Five-question survey

If you have not yet taken part in IIED’s five-question survey, the organizers would welcome your opinions before it closes on Friday 08 August. You can take part in English, French or Spanish. You are also welcome to take part in a webinar discussing this on Wednesday 06 August, at 10.00 GMT+1. More information is available on the IIED website or you can email the organizers with any questions via forestry@iied.org.