GLF Policy Recommendation 10: Policy makers should focus on mountains to promote resilience and adaptation

Mountain ecosystems are home to almost a quarter of the world’s population and cover 27% of the world’s land surface. Mountains have been dubbed the ‘water towers of the world,’ as they provide fresh water for half of the world’s population as well as energy, timber, biodiversity maintenance and opportunities for recreation.

Negotiators should:

  • Foster policies that promote resilience and adaptation in mountain areas to reduce the vulnerability of people who depend on mountain ecosystems.
  • Ensure that a landscape approach that includes mountains is integrated into investment priorities of the Green Climate Fund.
  • Ensure investments are culturally sensitive and promote appropriate indigenous solutions where they are available.
  • Address glacial melting and its potential impact on worldwide water resources in UNFCCC processes.

What do you think: Do you agree that mountains deserve special attention in climate and development processes?