GLF Policy Recommendation 2: The post-2015 Sustainable Development Goal Framework should consider landscapes

A comprehensive SDG framework should enable and compel the development of mutually supportive goals, while counteracting institutional silos. A sustainable landscape goal would provide an integrated and coherent picture, thereby supporting the performance of future SDGs.

A new investment asset class focusing on sustainable landscapes is emerging, but to successfully scale up that investment, long-term enabling conditions are required. An SDG focusing on sustainable landscapes could unlock private sector innovation and investment, turning trade-offs into synergies.

Negotiators should:

  • Support the inclusion of socially just, effective and holistic policies to address natural resource management, through the landscape approach, in the post-2015 SDG framework.
  • Consider sustainable landscapes as a standalone SDG, with targets defined across sectors as well as by individual sectors.

What do you think: Is a stand-alone goal for sustainable landscapes the best way to support cross-sectoral land-management for development? Or is a cross-cutting approach with landscapes targets defined within different goals more effective? And what is politically feasible?