Stories from the landscape – watch GLF’s most dynamic presentations

During the Global Landscapes Forum’s first Pecha Kucha Style Night, seven presenters took the stage to share their stories in a new format.

Each presenter could use 20 slides, for 20 seconds each – no breaks, no opportunity to switch between slides. Slides were restricted to images and graphs only, avoiding long texts and endless bullet point lists.

The result? Seven dynamic presentations, capturing personal stories and innovative ideas. But see for yourself…

Andrea Vasquez is a PhD student at the University of British Columbia and an active member of the International Forestry Students’ Association. Looking back at her own educational history Andrea asks: Who defines development?


While world leaders in Paris agreed to the ambitious target of keeping global warming below 1.5 degree, Sayed Azam-Ali, CEO of Crops for the Future, asks: “So what?” As the planet is already warming, our food systems need to switch to Plan B now. For Prof. Azam-Ali, the real question is: How to feed a hotter world?


Houria Djoudi, a CIFOR scientist, tells the fascinating story of a rapidly changing ecosystem in Northern Mali – illustrating how changes in landscapes affect cultural and social norms, gender and power relations. A complex story that starts with a simple observation: Once, there was a lake


Michael Taylor, Director of the International Land Coalition Secretariat, takes a closer look at commons – land and resources managed by communities, not governments or companies. Worldwide, 65% of land is claimed by communities, but only 10% of these claims are recognized by governments. Michael explores closing this gap in A common vision: the 10-65 challenge


Tristan Lecomte was inspired to start PUR projet when looking more critically at carbon offsetting, a practice gaining popularity among big companies. Tristan asked: Rather than contributing to external projects, why don’t companies start with their own supply-chains? And thus, the idea of “insetting” was born – which Tristan explains in more details in his talk: Insetting via agroforestry at landscape level


Nienke Stam is Senior Learning Manager for Landscapes and Deforestation at IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative. In her work, she discovered the benefits of production-protection compacts – agreements that direct private investments towards conservation and development goals. Nienke shows us what these compacts mean in practice by drawing on an example from Kenya.


Nolan Hunter is the CEO of the Kimberley Land Council, an Australian non-profit organization that assists Aboriginal people in securing land rights. In his talk Traditional Fire Management: Indigenous People Leading Climate Mitigation Nolan explains why bush fires are not always a bad thing – and how traditional practices do not only help fight climate change, but also connect indigenous youth to their roots.