Scaling up restoration, bringing down poverty

Watch this Discussion Forum on the first day of the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Increasing food production while safeguarding natural ecosystems, climate and the provision of ecosystem services is now one of the biggest scientific, social and political challenges of our time. Forest restoration is a strategy to mitigate climate change, but scaling up efforts may increase competition for land for agriculture.

The session presents practical experiences from the Mayombe Transfrontier Initiative in the Congo Basin and new research on reforestation in Brazil. It discusses the impacts that restoration has had in these regions on poverty, society and the economy.

Moderator: James Allen, Executive Director, Sustainability LAB


Maria Fatima de Jardim, Minister of Environment, Angola

Izabella Monica Vieira Teixeira , Minister of Environment, Brazil

Henri Djombo, Minister of Sustainable Development, Forestry Economy and the Environment of the Republic of Congo

Jessica Bezolles, CEO & Founder, AUGEO Africa

Robin Chazdon, Executive Director, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation

Agnieszka E. Latawiec, Project and Research Director, International Institute for Sustainability, Brazil

Rodrigo C. A. Lima, Director General, Agroicone

Bernardo B.N. Strassburg, Founder and Executive Director, International Institute for Sustainability, Rio de Janeiro

Roberto Silva Waack, Chairman of the board of Amata S.A., Brazil

Saturday, 5 December 2015 Global Landscapes Forum, Paris, France #GLFCOP21 #ThinkLandscape