Peatlands Matter: GLF Bonn 2017 Concept Note

About Peatlands Matter GLF Bonn 2017


On Dec 19-20, the Global Landscapes Forum brought together 1000 attendees from 103 countries in the World Conference Center in Bonn. In total, 21,610,513 people were reached across social media and fully 51,000 people tuned in live from 114 different countries to connect, learn, share and act around our planet’s greatest climate and development challenges.


Why peatlands?


Peatlands are the world’s largest carbon sinks, but often these landscapes are situated in areas where competing interests of conservation and development must be carefully negotiated. The Global Landscapes Forum Peatlands Matter event brought together local and global policymakers, stakeholders and private sector interests to identify landscape-level solutions and accelerate measurable action on the ground in negotiating conflicting land-use demands in these vital biomes.

Author: Global Landscapes Forum

Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum

Language: Indonesian

Year: 2017

Ecosystem(s): Wetlands and Peatlands

Location(s): Global

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