Sara Scherr

Sara Scherr founded the nonprofit EcoAgriculture Partners and is now the President and CEO. She is an agricultural and natural resource economist, specializing in land management policy in tropical developing countries. In 2011 she led the founding of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative, for which EcoAgriculture Partners is the secretariat. Dr. Scherr currently serves on the U.S. board of the international agricultural biodiversity research organization Bioversity International, as well as on the advisory board of Food Tank, the Scientific Advisory Board for the ASSETS (Attaining Sustainable Services from Ecosystems) research program, as a member of the UN Agri-food Task Force, and on the board of U.S. non-profit Solutions from the Land. Dr. Scherr received her BA in Economics at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, and her MSc and PhD in International Economics and Development at Cornell University in New York.