The goal of this session is to explore issues related to harmonizing REDD+ and low emissions development strategies across levels and sectors. Multiple aspects of REDD+, such as reference levels, MRV, benefit sharing, and safeguards, require coordination among actors working in these different levels and sectors, especially in the context of jurisdictional REDD+. This session will entail framing research from CIFOR on global issues related to multilevel and sector coordination in REDD+, panelists speaking about sub-national jurisdictional approaches to implementing REDD+ including the GCF Task Force platform, innovative developments such as the agreement between California, Mexico, and other sub-national government initiatives. We focus in on activities in Mexico as a case in point, showcasing international and federal-state coordination with panelists from California’s Air Resources Board, the Mexican federal agency CONAFOR and the state government of Chiapas. To add a omparative perspective, we bring in panelists from the Brazilian state of Amapá and the Peruvian region of San Martín to discuss developments in their jurisdictions With this diversity of panelists, we aim to animate a discussion about shared challenges and emerging opportunities for jurisdictional REDD+.
Key questions addressed:
- In the past year, what major advances have states and their key partners made with respect to jurisdictional REDD+ ?
- What new or different opportunities are states exploring (including any innovative partnerships with private sector and indigenous peoples’ organizations) and with what expectations?
- What role do you see for states in the negotiation and implementation of a 2015 international climate treaty?
Background reading:
Brazil: Acre and Mato Grosso. Advancing jurisdictional models for reducing deforestation in Brazil
Mexico: Campeche and Chiapas. Collaborative approaches to enhanced forest monitoring
Benefit-sharing in Mexico: Adriana Abardía Martínez:Diseño de un mecanismo de financiamiento para REDD+ México. Alternativas de canalización a nivel subnacional para esquemas de pago por resultados.
Cost-benefit analysis of different land-use types: Propuestas para avanzar en la Arquitectura Financiera para REDD+: Análisis de costo – beneficio de diferentes usos de suelo. Dr. Alejandro Guevara y el Dr. José Alberto Lara de la Universidad Iberoamericana. To be finalized.
Ravikumar, Ashwin et al. (2014) “Multilevel Governance Challenges and Opportunities: Lessons from 23 REDD+ Pilot Projects.” In Development. (Draft available on request)
Mexico National MRV system: Cartus, et al. “A National, Detailed Map of Forest Aboveground Carbon Stocks in Mexico.” Remote Sens. 2014.Gebhardt, et al. “MAD-MEX: Automatic wall-to-wall cover monitoring for Mexican REDD-MRV program using all Landsat data.” Remote Sens. 2014