Day 1 | Dec 6   15.45 - 17.15

Using spatial information to support decision making in national REDD+ strategies

UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) on behalf of the UN-REDD Programme and the REDD-PAC project, Government of Peru



REDD+ is an important component of climate change mitigation policies. The need to achieve REDD+ objectives is a significant consideration in national decision making on landscape planning and management. The potential benefits, risks and costs of REDD+ vary between locations, depending on their characteristics for example existing carbon stocks, the potential for provision of ecosystem services, and pressures for conversion to other land uses.

Therefore, spatial information can be useful for planning programs that enhance the benefits and minimize the risks and costs of REDD+ actions. Maps and other forms of spatial information can contribute to landscape planning and management more broadly and can help minimize conflicts between REDD+ activities and other land uses.

This discussion forum explored the role of spatial information in planning for REDD+ and wider landscape management, drawing on national experiences associated with the UN-REDD Programme or the REDD-PAC project.

Key questions addressed:

  1. Which benefits and risks of REDD+ and alternative land uses are most amenable to planning approaches based on spatial information?
  2. Which issues are less suited to using spatial information and planning approaches?
  3. How can the wide range of different sectors and stakeholders affected best be engaged in, and encouraged to provide information for planning and decision making for REDD+ and other land use policies?


Background reading:

Support to countries on Safeguards and Multiple Benefits of REDD+REDD-PAC

REDD-PAC: REDD+ Policy Assessment Center

Using spatial information to support decisions on safeguards and multiple benefits for REDD+ in Tanzania

Les synergies entre la REDD+ et les Objectifs d’Aichi de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique en Afrique Centrale

Supporting planning for multiple benefits from REDD+ in Uganda: Exploring synergies with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets