Profor, UKaid, University of Oxford, CIFOR, IUCN
[logodrop]Presentation on evidence-based forestry, University of Oxford
This workshop session will help us understand and adapt our knowledge generation, sharing and communications to the needs of others, in order to design more useful policy solutions, improve knowledge uptake and achieve change. Whether they are UNFCCC negotiators, national policy makers, members of a different expert community (forestry, agriculture, water), journalists, civil society groups or members of the general public – people are not “empty vessels” waiting to receive our knowledge insights. Following presentations, participants will have the opportunity to discuss using the “world café method” specific questions that were also addressed by the panel:
- What makes knowledge generation and uptake successful?
- What are some of the barriers to sharing knowledge about landscapes?
- How well do we know what other people need to know?
- What are some of the tools we can use to listen and design more effective knowledge products and pathways?
Understanding knowledge uptake is central to meeting the knowledge needs and cultures of different ministries, expert communities and stakeholders whose decisions shape the management and use of complex landscapes. Optimizing the value and impact of knowledge is increasingly important in the face of limited resources, short attention spans and an ever-more-crowded playing field. Only the most targeted knowledge will succeed!
Vanda Ferreira dos Santos will facilitate the world café discussion
Background reading:
Contact Details: Flore de Preneuf:
Catriona Clunas
Entry scheme Llvelihood advisor, Forestry, Climate and Environment Department, Department for International Development (DFID), UK
Gill Petrokofsky
Oxford University/ CIFOR Senior Associate – Evidence Based Forestry
Maria Brockhaus
Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
John Colmey
Director of Information & Communications, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Communications Coordinator for the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry
Andrea Nájera Acevedo
Manager of Strategic Ecosystems Conservation, National Forests Institute (INAB)
Enrique Muñoz López
Coordinator of Spatial Analysis, Biological Corridors Department, the National Commission Biodiversity.
Peter Dewees
Forests Adviser, the Agriculture and Environmental Services Department, the World Bank
Vanda Santos
Knowledge Sharing Officer, CIFOR
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