Sustainable wood energy as restoration option? GLF 2015

Discussion Forum at the Global Landscapes Forum 2015, in Paris, France alongside COP21. Fuel wood is and will remain an important pillar within the energy mix in Sub-Sahara Africa and constitutes a huge potential for the economy at all scales. Its link to food and nutrition security is critical: 50% of forest degradation and 10–20% of forest destruction in the region is caused by wood energy exploitation contributing to land degradation and desertification. This session discusses the potential of afforestation and agroforestry for wood-energy production to help landscape restoration efforts.

Moderator: Cora van Oosten, Senior Project Leader, Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University & Research centre (UR), Netherlands


  • Klaus Ackermann, GIZ Sectoral Project to Combat Desertification
  • Koffi Apedjagbo, National Expert, GIZ Togo
  • Mary Njenga,Post-Doctoral Fellow, World Agroforerestry Centre
  • Christina Seeberg-Elverfeldt, Policy Advisor, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Steve Sepp, Executive Director, ECO Consulting Group
  • Mark van der Wal,Senior Ecologist, IUCN Netherlands

Sunday, 6 December 2015
Global Landscapes Forum, Paris, France
#GLFCOP21 #ThinkLandscape