Livestream: Landscapes approaches for sustainable development

Landscape approaches for sustainable development, water and land resource management

Live: August 26, 14:00-15:30 CESTAccess event website

A main driver of rural landscape change is the rapid agricultural expansion and intensification required to satisfy increased food/fiber/feed demands. In the quest to reach effective land management for best possible use of natural resources, landscape approaches are becoming widely used, often in the agriculture and forestry sector. It is used to analyze growing pressures on our natural resources, to identify needs of present and future generations and how these can best be met. Learn more here.

Program overview:

14.00 Welcome by moderator, Lotta Samuelson, SIWI Swedish Water House.
14.05 Introduction to the Landscape approach, Dr Terry Sunderland, CIFOR.
14.15 Experiences from working with the landscapes approach. Case studies from Africa and Asia.

  • Gertrude Ngabirano, Project Manager Kagera River Basin Management Project, Rwanda.
  • Chaloun Bounithiphonh, Forest Ecology and Environmental Research Unit, Forestry Science Research Centre, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Laos.
14.45 Reflections on possibilities and challenges with landscape approaches, from an agriculture, forest, water and private sector point of view.

  • Phillia Restiani, Programme Manager at SIWI Water, Energy and Food
  • Anders Malmer, Head of SLU Global, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Sylvester Mpandeli, Agricultural Research Council-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water
  • Bernard Giraud, President of Livelihoods Venture
  • Emelie Göransson, Programme Manager Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
15.10 Open discussion with all participants in the seminar, moderated by Dr Anna Tengberg, SIWI Climate Change and Water Programme.
15.30 Closing

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