Filling the emissions gap with tree based ecosystem approaches

Pepper farm in Southeast Sulawesi
Pepper farm in Southeast Sulawesi

As negotiators representing all the world’s nations bargain, cajole, and inveigh in order to keep 21st century warming from rising too far above two degrees Celsius, every available tool must be leveraged to keep the planet from going over the brink. Recent work by EcoAgriculture Partners highlighted the importance of Tree Based Ecosystem Approaches as one such tool.

More and more attention has been paid to how agriculture plays a role in both the causes and the ways we can respond to climate change. Combining forests with farmlands offers a host of potential benefits to the local as well as the global community. In order to properly understand where and how tree based ecosystem approaches (TBEAs) work best, EcoAgriculture Partners, with support from PROFOR, undertook a comprehensive review of TBEA literature now published as ‘Taking Tree Based Ecosystem Approaches to Scale: Evidence of drivers and impacts on food security, climate change resilience and carbon sequestration.’

Read the full story on the Landscapes Blog for People, Food and Nature

Photo: Enggar Paramita (ICRAF)