UNFCCC COP20 President Manuel Pulgar-Vidal has stressed the importance of the Global Landscapes Forum 2014, taking place on the sidelines of this year’s climate talks in Lima on 6-7 December. The Peruvian Environment Minister officially announced the event at a press conference in Lima, together with CIFOR’s Coordinator for Latin America, Manuel Guariguata, FAO’s country representative in Peru, John Preissing, and the Director of Peru’s National Forest and Wildlife Service, SERFOR, Fabiola Muñoz Dodero.
“The magnitude of this event that brings together organizations involved with forest dynamics is unique. And the alliance of CIFOR, one of the most important forest research institutions in the world, with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, an organization concerned with feeding a growing population, the United Nations Environment Programme and the ministries of environment and agriculture, as GLF host country partners, make this a unique opportunity for Peru,“ Minister Pulgar-Vidal said.
“Here we not only look at forests for forests’ sake but we also take into account agriculture, livestock, people, the economy, food. This is why it is a highly relevant forum,” he added.
The director of SERFOR, representing the Ministry of Agriculture of Peru, stressed the importance of promoting landscape approaches while seeking solutions to problems arising from development. “We need science, we need the expertise to find appropriate solutions for the challenges our planet is facing,” Fabiola Muñoz Dodero said.
Manuel Guariguata added that discussions on land use change are critical for the negotiations on a new climate change agreement. The Global Landscapes Forum will be the biggest event on the sidelines of the COP20, where experts from around the world will gather to propose solutions that can be adopted by decision makers.
The FAO Country Representative in Peru, John Preissing, said it was important to bring together innovation with the ability to act, both in forestry and agriculture to achieve transformation towards a green economy, to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods.
Minister Pulgar-Vidal will be among the high-level speakers of the Forum, together with UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, Unilever’s CEO Paul Polman and many others. See the full program of the event here.
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