GLF Partners Appreciation

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Global Landscapes Forum


2013 GLF Warsaw

2013 GLF Warsaw
The first ever Global Landscapes Forum — a successor to Forest Day and Agriculture and Rural Development Day — succeeded in bringing together and connecting stakeholders from different land-use sectors such as forestry, agriculture, and water management, facilitating cross-sectoral dialogue in a way rarely seen before.

This two-day event, held on the sidelines of the UN climate change negotiations as part of the Conference of the Parties (COP19) in Warsaw, was attended by over 1,200 landscape, agriculture and forestry scientific experts, policymakers, and stakeholders. The Forum was designed to inform the global climate development frameworks about the opportunities of a holistic landscape approach to development.

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Global Landscapes Forum: Landscapes for a New Climate and Development Agenda

Global Landscapes Forum: Landscapes for a New Climate and Development Agenda
Lima, Peru
The 2014 event built on the successful inaugural Forum in Warsaw and focused on introducing the landscape approach to a broad audience of world leaders, climate negotiators, researchers and representatives of civil society, the private sector and media. Discussions focused on the four key considerations central to putting the landscape approach into practice:

  1. Implementation of integrated landscape approaches;
  2. Forests, agriculture and land use in a new climate agreement;
  3. Landscapes and the green economy; and
  4. Landscapes and the post-2015 development.


Launching the 20×20 Initiative: Restoring Landscapes across Latin America

Launching the 20×20 Initiative: Restoring Landscapes across Latin America
Representatives of International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the World Resources Institute (WRI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), and Permian Global met in Colombia to kick-start the implementation of the 20×20 land restoration initiative.

The Initiative itself was launched during the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum, alongside the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP20) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It aims restore 20 million hectares of land by 2020.


Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case

Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case
London, England
The Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case — convened at the Royal Society in London on 10–11 June 2015 — brought together 220 experts on public and private finance, representatives from the corporate sector, senior government officials, and leading thinkers from research and civil society. The invitation-only expert symposium sought to overcome barriers to sustainable landscape investments and to scale up existing solutions.

The event was coordinated by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) together with the European Investment Bank, UNEP, the World Bank and PROFOR. More than 20 organizations and companies — among them OECD, UNCCD, Unilever and the Climate Bonds Initiative — shaped the agenda as session co-hosts. Participants included high-level representatives from Credit Suisse, Danone, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Willis Ltd.


Global Landscapes Forum: Launching the New Climate and Development Agenda

Global Landscapes Forum: Launching the New Climate and Development Agenda

Paris, France

As delegates at UNFCCC COP21 hashed out a new climate deal and debated how best to meet the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), more than 3,200 scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders from forestry, agriculture, water, energy, law and finance sectors came together for the third annual Global Landscapes Forum (GLF). Launched by a cross-sectoral consortium of international organizations and led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Forum united 148 organizations from across the globe to exchange ideas through discussion forums, thematic pavilions, a launchpad featuring 12 new initiatives and knowledge products, and a landscape laboratory introducing the newest technology for understanding land use.


Launching of The Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS)

Launching of The Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS)
The Indonesian National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS) is a platform for greenhouse gas accounting for the land-based sectors in Indonesia. During the 2015 GLF Event in Paris, The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry research, Development and Innovation Agency released the first national level results from the INCAS; a complete account of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from all of Indonesia’s forest and peatlands for REDD+ activities. These results and associated methodologies were documented in two publications that were released at the 2015 GLF event in Paris.


Launching AFR100

Launching AFR100
African ministers shared their experiences and results from implementing landscape-level initiatives in their countries at the Forum in Paris. Leaders from African countries announced a major new initiative to restore forests and agricultural lands. The AFR100 is a pan-African, country-led restoration effort to bring 100 million hectares of degraded landscapes in Africa under restoration by 2030.


2015 Youth in Landscapes Initiative

2015 Youth in Landscapes Initiative

Paris, France

The Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL) is a youth-led and youth-targeted initiative that took place in Paris as part of the youth component of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) 2015. A total of 29 women and 21 men aged 18-35 from 31 countries came together to generate ideas that might help solve some of the most pertinent land-use issues that organizations are facing on the ground today. Forty-six percent46% of the youth participants were from rural areas and they came from a wide variety of professional backgrounds including governmental institutions, NGOs, universities, farming, and the private sector.


Launching the International Partnership for Blue Carbon

Launching the International Partnership for Blue Carbon
Australia, Indonesia, and Costa Rica, along with GRID-Arendal, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP), the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and Office of the Pacific Oceanscape Commissioner, the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Global Change Institute, launched the Blue Carbon Initiative (with Conservation International, IUCN, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission – UNESCO) at the Global Landscapes Forum in Paris. The Partnership brought together collaborative cross-sectoral partners to share knowledge and accelerate action regarding coastal blue carbon ecosystems.


Launching the Belantara Foundation

Launching the Belantara Foundation
Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP) initiated the establishment of an independent organisation, the Belantara Foundation, that works to create an innovative new direct funding platform to protect rainforests. This funding mechanism channels both public and private sector finance direct to local communities and other actors implementing forest conservation projects. The announcement coincided with the Global Landscape Forum in Paris which took place as part of the UN climate talks during COP21, to draw attention to the urgent need to protect the world’s remaining forests. Belantara’s mission is to provide a direct channel to protect and support Indonesian forests for the billions of dollars of financing for forest conservation that have been pledged worldwide.


Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case

Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case

London, England

The Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case in London on 6 June 2016 brought together experts from the financial services industry with leaders from the corporate sector, government and academia to take investments into sustainable landscapes to the next level. This second edition of the event offered a unique platform for experts to explore the role of private finance in enhancing livelihoods and landscapes across the globe, and 300 senior representatives from the financial sector, civil society, government and business came together to explore the role of the financial sector in imagining, innovating and investing in sustainable landscapes.


Global Landscapes Forum: Climate Action for Sustainable Development

Global Landscapes Forum: Climate Action for Sustainable Development

Marrakesh, Morocco

On 16 November 2016, the fourth annual Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) once again brought together diverse stakeholders working in global landscapes. While the 2015 GLF event in Paris closed with promise due to newly agreed upon global climate and development commitments, 2016’s widespread social, environmental and political instability transmits an urgency for collaborative engagement to turn commitment into action.

The 2016 GLF in Marrakesh, a thematic event convened by a cross-sectoral consortium of international organizations, encouraged the exchange of the latest climate and sustainable development knowledge and research that will enable the transition from global commitment to local action. The 12 dDiscussion fForums, two plenaries, six launchpads and multiple networking and side events provided the more than 500 participants with ample opportunity to connect and confront pressing climate and development challenges.

More than 5,500 people from 95 countries connected in person and online at the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) in Marrakesh to forge solutions to the planet’s greatest climate and development challenges through sustainable land use. In the closing plenary, the German government and GLF partners committed their support to the long-term future of the Forum and its vision of reaching one billion people.


Launching TFA 2020’S Africa Palm Oil Initiative

Launching TFA 2020’S Africa Palm Oil Initiative
The Africa Palm Oil Initiative (APOI) brought together nine Central and West African governments, as well as the private sector, civil society and indigenous and local peoples groups, in a commitment to make this key industry sustainable and responsible.

The initiative was launched at an important moment in the development of the palm oil industry in the region, as it is on the verge of becoming a net exporter. High-level representatives of the nine governments met in Marrakesh to sign the pledge, which aims to be a sustainable driver of long-term, low-carbon development in a manner that is socially beneficial and protects tropical forests. The countries concerned are: Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone.

The APOI was the first major initiative of the Tropical Forest Alliance, a global public-private partnership set up in 2012 that aims to reduce deforestation linked to key global commodities.


Launching the Global Peatlands Initiative

Launching the Global Peatlands Initiative

The Global Peatlands Initiative, launched at the Forum in Marrakesh, is a new UN Environment- led multi-partner effort to save one of the world’s largest carbon stocks.

The Global Peatlands Initiative aims to scale up the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of peatlands in countries with significant peat deposits delivering benefits for agriculture, bio-diversity and the climate.


Launching the Borneo Deforestation Atlas

Launching the Borneo Deforestation Atlas
The Forum in Marrakesh saw the launch of an interactive atlas of Borneo developed by CIFOR and partners. The tool utilizes the Landsat archive to enable users to assess the level of company-driven deforestation or avoided deforestation of plantation companies with operations in Borneo. The map is currently limited to Borneo, but there are plans to expand. It provides the first opportunity to track deforestation rates caused by plantation companies over four decades — and therefore estimates plantation companies’ level of accountability related to deforestation.


Launching the Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility (TLFF)

Launching the Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility (TLFF)
The Tropical Landscapes Financing Facility (TLFF) was launched at the Forum in Marrakesh. TLFF uses a novel structure, leveraging public funding to provide access to long-term finance at affordable rates to support smallholder producers, renewable energy production and other land users’ investment in sustainable Indonesian landscapes.


Global Landscapes Forum: Peatlands Matter

Global Landscapes Forum: Peatlands Matter

Jakarta, Indonesia

The Global Landscapes Forum: Peatlands Matter thematic event provided a space for more than 400 peatlands stakeholders, policymakers, scientists, and private sector actors to convene in Jakarta on May 18, 2017, with thousands joining in online livestreams and discussions. The platform explored what it means to employ multi-directional and multi-stakeholder dialogues in practice, spearheading a community- first and people-centered approach to peatlands management.

The day was led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) together with coordinating partners UN Environment and the World Bank, and executed with support from Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, CGIAR and the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Partnership. Science and breakout session hosts also included the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and the International Forestry Students Association (IFSA). In addition to organizational representation, grassroots representation from across myriad distinct communities in Indonesia, Southeast Asia and the globe were the central focus of activities and discussions.

The event saw a committed effort across the spectrum of GLF stakeholders to ground discussions around peatlands use and management in local-level experiences, challenges, aspirations and expectations. The opening session was led by grassroots leaders from across Indonesia setting the stage for the day, with the second plenary highlighting local experiences from peatlands leaders sharing experiences from Peru, the Congo, Indonesia and more. Community-based perspectives provided a foundation upon which the day’s science sessions, global knowledge exchanges, national-level dialogues and more committed to implementing tangible, context-specific actions and solutions.


Global Landscapes Forum: Bonn

Global Landscapes Forum: Bonn
This year, December 19-20 at the World Conference Centre in Bonn, Germany, the GLF will expand the discussion to a larger audience than ever before, and place communities at the center of the conversation. This event will challenge global influencers to react, expand, and — of course — scale-up actions required to build sustainable landscapes.
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