Fellowships available for course on natural resources at the landscape level


Wageningen University – Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) offers a short course (27 February – 10 March 2017) to better understand and manage “Competing claims on natural resources – reconciling agricultural development and biodiversity conservation at the landscape level”.

Competing claims on land, water and other agricultural and natural resources are increasingly overstretching the multi-functionality of landscapes, whether it is at local or global level. Despite good policy intentions to reconcile agricultural development and the wise use of natural resources, conflicts are abundant. What tools can we use to better understand resource conflicts, and the interests of the stakeholders behind their claims? What kind of skills do we need to better manage them?

Are you interested? Check http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/centre-for-development-innovation/short-courses/Shortcourses2017/CDIcourse_competing_claims_2017.htm