Building a roadmap for sustainable landscapes finance: side event at WFC


Side event: Toward a roadmap for sustainable landscapes investments at scale — Inputs from forestry science

The capital is ready. The project ideas are there. It’s time to scale up.

Don’t miss out on this side event at FAO World Forestry Congress in Durban: On the 9th of September, from 12:45 until 14:15 in the 11CDE meeting room, you will be able to have your say in the future of finance for forests and land use.

In this interactive side event, participants will build on the outcomes from “The Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case”, held earlier this year in London, where 200 experts from finance and investment focused on scaling up sustainable landscape solutions.

The expected outcome is to create a roadmap to connect the potential US$200–300 billion in available funds from private investment to researchers, foresters, and farmers on the ground.

Forestry experts from research and policy are invited to provide feedback and connect their knowledge and initiatives to the creating this roadmap for sustainable landscape investments at a scale.


Connecting smallholders to sustainable finance — Andrew Wardell, CIFOR

Understanding the financial framework— Iain Henderson, UNEP

Knowledge for sustainable value chains— Angela Falconer, CPI

Making public-private partnerships work through better land use knowledge — Andrea Kutter or Paola Agostini (World Bank)